FITS Headers


Primary Header

SIMPLE  =                    T / file does conform to FITS standard             
BITPIX  =                   32 / number of bits per data pixel                  
NAXIS   =                    0 / number of data axes                            
EXTEND  =                    T / FITS dataset may contain extensions            
COMMENT   FITS (Flexible Image Transport System) format defined in Astronomy and
COMMENT   Astrophysics Supplement Series v44/p363, v44/p371, v73/p359, v73/p365.
COMMENT   Contact the NASA Science Office of Standards and Technology for the   
COMMENT   FITS Definition document #100 and other FITS information.             
DATE    = '11/04/97'           / FITS file creation date (dd/mm/yy)             
DATE-MAP= '14/07/95'           / Date of original file creation (dd/mm/yy)      
ORIGIN  = 'CDAC    '           / Cosmology Data Analysis Center                 
TELESCOP= 'COBE    '           / Cosmic Background Explorer satellite           
INSTRUME= 'DIRBE   '           / COBE instrument [DIRBE, DMR, FIRAS]            
OBJECT  = 'DAILY-SKY'          / part of sky given [e.g., ALL-SKY, WEEKLY-SKY,  
COMMENT                        /         DAILY-SKY, GAL-SLICE, FACE ...]        
EQUINOX =               2000.0 / equinox of coords in following tables          
REFERENC= 'COBE/DIRBE Explanatory Supplement,' /                                
REFERENC= 'ed. M.G. Hauser, T. Kelsall, D. Leisawitz, and J. Weiland,' /        
REFERENC= 'COBE Ref. Pub. No. 97-A (Greenbelt,MD: NASA/GSFC),' /                
REFERENC= 'available in electronic form from the NSSDC.' /                      
COMMENT           COBE specific keywords                                        
DATE-BEG= '21/01/90'           / date of initial data represented  (dd/mm/yy)   
DATE-END= '21/01/90'           / date of final data represented    (dd/mm/yy)   
PIXRESOL=                    9 / Quad tree pixel resolution [6, 9]              
COMMENT           DIRBE specific keywords                                       
PRODUCT = 'CIO_90021'          / Calibrated Individual Obs. for YYDDD = 90021   
VERSION = 'Pass 3B '           / Version of Data Reduction Software             
WAVE1   = '1.25 microns'       / nominal wavelength of Band 1                   
WAVE2   = '2.2  microns'       / nominal wavelength of Band 2                   
WAVE3   = '3.5  microns'       / nominal wavelength of Band 3                   
WAVE4   = '4.9  microns'       / nominal wavelength of Band 4                   
WAVE5   = '12.  microns'       / nominal wavelength of Band 5                   
WAVE6   = '25.  microns'       / nominal wavelength of Band 6                   
WAVE7   = '60.  microns'       / nominal wavelength of Band 7                   
WAVE8   = '100. microns'       / nominal wavelength of Band 8                   
WAVE9   = '140. microns'       / nominal wavelength of Band 9                   
WAVE10  = '240. microns'       / nominal wavelength of Band 10                  
SOLELONG= 'ALL     '           / all available solar elongations included       
APPVEC  = 'SEPARATE'           / data having different approach vectors         
COMMENT                        / are not combined during processing             
ZLREMOV =                    F / zodiacal foreground removal indicator          
COMMENT                        / if 'T(rue)', zodi foreground has been removed  
COMMENT                        / if 'F(alse)', observed sky brightness is given 

Extension Header 2

XTENSION= 'BINTABLE'           / Extension type is Binary Table                 
BITPIX  =                    8 / Binary data                                    
NAXIS   =                    2 / Data are in a table                            
NAXIS1  =                  109 / Number of 8 bit bytes in each row              
NAXIS2  =               515093 / Number of rows                                 
PCOUNT  =                    0 / Number of bytes of data following table        
GCOUNT  =                    1 / Group count (always 1 for bintable extensions) 
TFIELDS =                   33 / Number of fields (columns) in the table        
TIMVERSN= 'OGIP/93-003'        / GSFC Office of Guest Investigator Programs     
COMMENT                        / (OGIP) memo in which the convention is         
COMMENT                        / described                                      
COMMENT         The times reported in this file are International               
COMMENT         Atomic Time (TAI) seconds elapsed since                         
COMMENT         00:00:00 UTC, 1 January 1981.  Time information is              
COMMENT         recorded in a manner consistent with the convention specified   
COMMENT         in OGIP/93-003 with the understanding that time is counted      
COMMENT         in atomic seconds and the origin of time (MJDREF) is quoted     
COMMENT         in ephemeris MJD.                                               
TIMESYS = '1981.00 '           / time system (same as IRAS)                     
MJDREFI =                44605 / Integer portion of ephemeris MJD               
COMMENT                        / corresponding to 0h UTC 1 Jan 1981             
MJDREFF =        0.00059240741 / Fractional portion of ephemeris MJD            
COMMENT                        / corresponding to 0h UTC 1 Jan 1981             
TIMEUNIT= 's       '           / unit for TSTART, TSTOP, TIMEZERO = seconds     
TSTART  =        285724806.000 / observation start time in TIMESYS system       
TSTOP   =        285811205.999 / observation stop time in TIMESYS system        
COMMENT   -------------------------------------------------------------------   
COMMENT   *******************************************************************   
COMMENT          ---- DIRBE Calibrated Individual Observations ---              
COMMENT          ------- Cryogenic Mission, day 021 of 1990 ------              
COMMENT          Calibrated individual observations (i.e., 1/8th-second         
COMMENT          samples) of the sky as measured by each of the 16 DIRBE        
COMMENT          detectors during the specified day. Observations               
COMMENT          are sorted in order of increasing pixel number.                
COMMENT          It is possible to have multiple observations of a pixel        
COMMENT          within a day: these multiple observations are listed in        
COMMENT          consecutive rows within the table and are                      
COMMENT          sorted in order of ascending observation time.                 
COMMENT          Reconstruction of time-ordered data strings may be             
COMMENT          accomplished either through use of the TIME field              
COMMENT          or the PREV_OBS/NEXT_OBS fields.                               
COMMENT          The companion Pixel Index to this day's data                   
COMMENT          may be used to determine quickly which pixels were             
COMMENT          observed on this day and where data for specific pixels        
COMMENT          are located within this file.                                  
COMMENT          Although observations are sorted using the DIRBE               
COMMENT          (resolution 9) pixel number (PIXEL_NO), the position           
COMMENT          of the boresight at the time of observation may be             
COMMENT          reconstructed to a precision of ~20 arcsec by using the        
COMMENT          additional pointing information provided in fields             
COMMENT          PSUBPOS and PSBSBPOS.  See the COBE/DIRBE Explanatory          
COMMENT          Supplement description of this product (Chapter 5) for         
COMMENT          further details.                                               
COMMENT          Before using the photometric data, the user should examine     
COMMENT          the corresponding data quality flags.  Observations            
COMMENT          which occurred within the SAA, non-sky-survey mode data,       
COMMENT          or time periods during which none of the DIRBE detectors met   
COMMENT          quality standards have already been excluded from this product.
COMMENT          However, time periods during which data from some, but not all,
COMMENT          detectors are of low quality are included. In many of          
COMMENT          these cases, the low quality detector data have been           
COMMENT          replaced with a sentinel value to guard against inadvertent    
COMMENT          use.  There are some instances when low quality data have      
COMMENT          neither been removed nor sentinelized.  These include:         
COMMENT            1) intervals of excess noise for isolated detectors,         
COMMENT               such as Band 1b lunar effects, and the occasional         
COMMENT               microphonics noted especially in Bands 4 and 7.           
COMMENT               The XSNOISE detector flags are included to                
COMMENT               indicate affected observations.                           
COMMENT            2) observations contaminated by stray light from             
COMMENT               the Moon or Jupiter.  The MOON2LOS and JUP2LOS            
COMMENT               fields can be used to eliminate these data.               
COMMENT          Unlike the higher level DIRBE data products                    
COMMENT          (e.g., the DIRBE Weekly Maps, Calibrated Annual File,          
COMMENT          Maps at Solar Elongation Angle = 90 degrees,                   
COMMENT          Galactic Plane Maps, Annual Average Maps),                     
COMMENT          the Calibrated Individual Observations product INCLUDES        
COMMENT          data from those portions of the sky which contain              
COMMENT          Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, Juno, Vesta, Ceres,    
COMMENT          Pallas, or comets Austin, Levy, and Okazaki-Levy-Rudenko.      
COMMENT          The JUP2LOS field indicates when Jupiter was visible;          
COMMENT          locations of other objects can be computed using an            
COMMENT          external ephemeris.                                            
COMMENT          The foreground signal from Zodiacal dust has not been          
COMMENT          removed from the observations.                                 
COMMENT   *******************************************************************   
COMMENT   --------------------------------------------------------------------  
COMMENT   ====================================================================  
COMMENT   Coordinate Information (Spatial and Temporal):                        
COMMENT   ====================================================================  
COMMENT   --------------------------------------------------------------------  
COMMENT       DIRBE Pixel number (resolution 9)                                 
TTYPE1  = 'Pixel_no'           /  pipeline fieldname = Pixel_no                 
TUNIT1  = '        '           /                                                
TFORM1  = '1J      '           /                                                
COMMENT   --------------------------------------------------------------------  
COMMENT       Sub-pixel containing the DIRBE line of sight                      
COMMENT       when the DIRBE pixel specified in                                 
COMMENT       field "Pixel_no" is divided into 256                              
COMMENT       sub-pixels (16x16 grid) according                                 
COMMENT       to standard quad-sphere rules                                     
COMMENT       Range: [0 - 255]                                                  
TTYPE2  = 'PSubPos '           /  pipeline fieldname = Pixel_subpos             
TUNIT2  = '        '           /                                                
TFORM2  = '1B      '           /                                                
COMMENT   --------------------------------------------------------------------  
COMMENT       Sub-sub-pixel containing the DIRBE                                
COMMENT       line of sight when the DIRBE sub-pixel                            
COMMENT       specified in field "PSubPos"                                      
COMMENT       is divided into 16 "sub-sub-pixels"                               
COMMENT       (4x4 grid) according to standard                                  
COMMENT       quad-sphere rules.  The sub-sub-                                  
COMMENT       pixel number is stored in the 4                                   
COMMENT       most significant bits.  Bits 0-3                                  
COMMENT       are not used.                                                     
COMMENT       Range: [0 - 15]                                                   
TTYPE3  = 'PSbSbPos'           /  pipeline fieldname = Pixel_subsubpos          
TUNIT3  = '        '           /                                                
TFORM3  = '1B      '           /                                                
TSCAL3  =            0.0625000 /  divide by 16 to access bits 4-7               
TZERO3  =                 0.00 /                                                
COMMENT   --------------------------------------------------------------------  
COMMENT   --------------------------------------------------------------------  
COMMENT       Time of observation in International Atomic Time (TAI)            
COMMENT        seconds elapsed since 01-JAN-1981:00:00:00.000 UTC.              
COMMENT        The reported time corresponds to the midpoint of the             
COMMENT        1/8th second sample interval.                                    
TTYPE4  = 'Time    '           / pipeline fieldname = Time                      
TUNIT4  = 's       '           /                                                
TFORM4  = '1D      '           /                                                
COMMENT   --------------------------------------------------------------------  
COMMENT       Number of the row within this FITS binary table which             
COMMENT       contains the next observation in the time-ordered sequence.       
COMMENT       Usually the time of the next observation is TIME + 1/8 sec,       
COMMENT       but gaps in the time sequence do exist.                           
COMMENT       Next_obs is set to -1 if the time of the next observation         
COMMENT       lies outside the time boundaries defined for this file.           
TTYPE5  = 'Next_obs'           /  pipeline fieldname = Next_obs                 
TUNIT5  = '        '           /                                                
TFORM5  = '1J      '           /                                                
COMMENT   --------------------------------------------------------------------  
COMMENT       Number of the row within this FITS binary table which contains    
COMMENT       the previous observation in the time-ordered sequence.            
COMMENT       Usually the time of the previous observation is                   
COMMENT       TIME - 1/8 sec, but gaps in the time sequence do exist.           
COMMENT       Prev_obs is set to -1 if the time of the preceding observation    
COMMENT       lies outside the time boundaries defined for this file.           
TTYPE6  = 'Prev_obs'           /  pipeline fieldname = Prev_obs                 
TUNIT6  = '        '           /                                                
TFORM6  = '1J      '           /                                                
COMMENT   --------------------------------------------------------------------  
COMMENT   --------------------------------------------------------------------  
COMMENT   ====================================================================  
COMMENT   DIRBE Sky Brightness and Polarization Information:                    
COMMENT   ====================================================================  
COMMENT   --------------------------------------------------------------------  
COMMENT       The following 16 columns tabulate the 1/8th second                
COMMENT       photometric samples taken for the each of the 16                  
COMMENT       DIRBE detectors at the time of observation.                       
COMMENT       The photometric measurements                                      
COMMENT       are given as spectral intensities, I(nu) in MJy/sr, and           
COMMENT       are quoted at the nominal wavelength                              
COMMENT       for a source with nu*I(nu) = constant  -- i.e.,                   
COMMENT       a color correction is required if the source                      
COMMENT       spectrum differs from nu*I(nu) = constant.                        
COMMENT       Data which have been replaced by flagged (sentinel) values        
COMMENT       in processing have values .LE. -16375.                            
COMMENT       Photometry for band 1, channel A  (1A: 1.25 um, full intensity)   
TTYPE7  = 'Phot1A  '           / pipeline fieldname = Photometry(1)             
TUNIT7  = 'MJy/sr  '           /                                                
TFORM7  = '1E      '           /                                                
COMMENT       Photometry for band 1, channel B  (1B: 1.25 um, polarized light)  
TTYPE8  = 'Phot1B  '           / pipeline fieldname = Photometry(2)             
TUNIT8  = 'MJy/sr  '           /                                                
TFORM8  = '1E      '           /                                                
COMMENT       Photometry for band 1, channel C  (1C: 1.25 um, polarized light)  
TTYPE9  = 'Phot1C  '           / pipeline fieldname = Photometry(3)             
TUNIT9  = 'MJy/sr  '           /                                                
TFORM9  = '1E      '           /                                                
COMMENT       Photometry for band 2, channel A  (2A: 2.2 um, full intensity)    
TTYPE10 = 'Phot2A  '           / pipeline fieldname = Photometry(4)             
TUNIT10 = 'MJy/sr  '           /                                                
TFORM10 = '1E      '           /                                                
COMMENT       Photometry for band 2, channel B  (2B: 2.2 um, polarized light)   
TTYPE11 = 'Phot2B  '           / pipeline fieldname = Photometry(5)             
TUNIT11 = 'MJy/sr  '           /                                                
TFORM11 = '1E      '           /                                                
COMMENT       Photometry for band 2, channel C  (2C: 2.2 um, polarized light)   
TTYPE12 = 'Phot2C  '           / pipeline fieldname = Photometry(6)             
TUNIT12 = 'MJy/sr  '           /                                                
TFORM12 = '1E      '           /                                                
COMMENT       Photometry for band 3, channel A  (3A: 3.5 um, full intensity)    
TTYPE13 = 'Phot3A  '           / pipeline fieldname = Photometry(7)             
TUNIT13 = 'MJy/sr  '           /                                                
TFORM13 = '1E      '           /                                                
COMMENT       Photometry for band 3, channel B  (3B: 3.5 um, polarized light)   
TTYPE14 = 'Phot3B  '           / pipeline fieldname = Photometry(8)             
TUNIT14 = 'MJy/sr  '           /                                                
TFORM14 = '1E      '           /                                                
COMMENT       Photometry for band 3, channel C  (3C: 3.5 um, polarized light)   
TTYPE15 = 'Phot3C  '           / pipeline fieldname = Photometry(9)             
TUNIT15 = 'MJy/sr  '           /                                                
TFORM15 = '1E      '           /                                                
COMMENT       Photometry for band 4 (4.9 um)                                    
TTYPE16 = 'Phot04  '           / pipeline fieldname = Photometry(10)            
TUNIT16 = 'MJy/sr  '           /                                                
TFORM16 = '1E      '           /                                                
COMMENT       Photometry for band 5 (12 um)                                     
TTYPE17 = 'Phot05  '           / pipeline fieldname = Photometry(11)            
TUNIT17 = 'MJy/sr  '           /                                                
TFORM17 = '1E      '           /                                                
COMMENT       Photometry for band 6 (25 um)                                     
TTYPE18 = 'Phot06  '           / pipeline fieldname = Photometry(12)            
TUNIT18 = 'MJy/sr  '           /                                                
TFORM18 = '1E      '           /                                                
COMMENT       Photometry for band 7 (60 um)                                     
TTYPE19 = 'Phot07  '           / pipeline fieldname = Photometry(13)            
TUNIT19 = 'MJy/sr  '           /                                                
TFORM19 = '1E      '           /                                                
COMMENT       Photometry for band 8 (100 um)                                    
TTYPE20 = 'Phot08  '           / pipeline fieldname = Photometry(14)            
TUNIT20 = 'MJy/sr  '           /                                                
TFORM20 = '1E      '           /                                                
COMMENT       Photometry for band 9 (140 um)                                    
TTYPE21 = 'Phot09  '           / pipeline fieldname = Photometry(15)            
TUNIT21 = 'MJy/sr  '           /                                                
TFORM21 = '1E      '           /                                                
COMMENT       Photometry for band 10 (240 um)                                   
TTYPE22 = 'Phot10  '           / pipeline fieldname = Photometry(16)            
TUNIT22 = 'MJy/sr  '           /                                                
TFORM22 = '1E      '           /                                                
COMMENT   --------------------------------------------------------------------  
COMMENT   ====================================================================  
COMMENT   DIRBE Viewing Geometry and External Influences Information:           
COMMENT   ====================================================================  
COMMENT   --------------------------------------------------------------------  
COMMENT       Angle between DIRBE boresight (or line of sight, LOS) and         
COMMENT       spacecraft orbital velocity vector.                               
COMMENT       Range = [0, 180] degrees                                          
TTYPE23 = 'LOS2VelV'           /  pipeline fieldname = BS_re_Vel                
TUNIT23 = 'deg     '           /                                                
TFORM23 = '1I      '           /                                                
TSCAL23 =            0.0109867 /  bin size 360/(2**15 -1) degrees               
TZERO23 =           0.00549333 /  offset to bin center in degrees               
COMMENT   --------------------------------------------------------------------  
COMMENT       Approach Vector                                                   
COMMENT        Divides observations into two groups:                            
COMMENT        those which are looking in the forward direction of              
COMMENT        spacecraft motion, and those which are looking backwards         
COMMENT        from the direction of spacecraft motion.                         
COMMENT        Approach Vector 1 (AV1):                                         
COMMENT            Forward looking, i.e.,    0 .LE. LOS2VelV .LE.  90 deg       
COMMENT        Approach Vector 2 (AV2):                                         
COMMENT            Backward looking, i.e.,  90 .LT. LOS2VelV .LE. 180 deg       
TTYPE24 = 'ApprVec '           /  pipeline fieldname = Approach_vector          
TUNIT24 = '        '           /                                                
TFORM24 = '1B      '           /                                                
COMMENT   --------------------------------------------------------------------  
COMMENT       Attack Vector                                                     
COMMENT        A vector whose three components specify the rate of change       
COMMENT        (derivative with respect to time) of the DIRBE boresight         
COMMENT        unit vector (i.e. the rate of change of the direction            
COMMENT        cosines in geocentric ecliptic coordinates).                     
COMMENT        The Attack Vector is computed from the cross product of          
COMMENT        the spacecraft angular velocity vector (which includes both      
COMMENT        orbital and spin components) and the boresight.                  
COMMENT        The Attack Vector points in the DIRBE scan direction             
COMMENT        across the sky, and is normal to the leading edge of the         
COMMENT        field of view (FOV). The length of this vector gives the         
COMMENT        scan rate in radians/sec.                                        
COMMENT       Nominal range for scan rate: .041 - .044 rad/sec                  
TTYPE25 = 'AttackV '           /  pipeline fieldname = Attack_vector            
TUNIT25 = '        '           /                                                
TFORM25 = '3I      '           /                                                
TDIM25  = '(3)     '           /                                                
TSCAL25 =         0.0000305176 /  bin size 1./(2**15) per second                
TZERO25 =                 0.00 /  see ExSupp for offset to bin center in /sec   
COMMENT   --------------------------------------------------------------------  
COMMENT       Azimuth of the Attack Vector,                                     
COMMENT        computed as a positive or negative rotation angle about          
COMMENT        the DIRBE boresight in the plane normal to the boresight         
COMMENT        vector (i.e., the plane of the field of view (FOV)).             
COMMENT        Azimuth is measured with respect to the fiducial vector          
COMMENT        defined by the cross product of the DIRBE spin axis and          
COMMENT        boresight vectors, and is positive if the rotation sense         
COMMENT        is the same as that of the spacecraft (i.e., azimuth =           
COMMENT        +90 deg. points toward the spin axis, following the              
COMMENT        right-hand sign convention).                                     
COMMENT       Range = (-180, 180] degrees                                       
COMMENT       Nominal range: [-2,+2] degrees                                    
TTYPE26 = 'AtV_Azim'           /  pipeline fieldname = FOV_Azimuth              
TUNIT26 = 'deg     '           /                                                
TFORM26 = '1I      '           /                                                
TSCAL26 =            0.0109867 /  bin size 360/(2**15 -1) degrees               
TZERO26 =           0.00549333 /  offset to bin center in degrees               
COMMENT   --------------------------------------------------------------------  
COMMENT       Solar elongation of observation,                                  
COMMENT       i.e. angle between the vector from the spacecraft to the          
COMMENT       center of the Sun and the DIRBE line of sight (boresight).        
COMMENT       Nominal range = [64, 124] degrees                                 
TTYPE27 = 'SolElong'           /  pipeline fieldname = Sun_re_BS (word 1)       
TUNIT27 = 'deg     '           /                                                
TFORM27 = '1I      '           /                                                
TSCAL27 =            0.0109867 /  bin size 360/(2**15 -1) degrees               
TZERO27 =           0.00549333 /  offset to bin center in degrees               
COMMENT   --------------------------------------------------------------------  
COMMENT       Angle between the vector from the spacecraft to the center        
COMMENT       of the moon and the DIRBE line of sight (boresight).              
COMMENT       Observations for which Moon2LOS .LE. 10 degrees are               
COMMENT       potentially contaminated by lunar stray light.                    
TTYPE28 = 'Moon2LOS'           /  pipeline fieldname = Moon_re_BS (word 1)      
TUNIT28 = 'deg     '           /                                                
TFORM28 = '1I      '           /                                                
TSCAL28 =            0.0109867 /  bin size 360/(2**15 -1) degrees               
TZERO28 =           0.00549333 /  offset to bin center in degrees               
COMMENT   --------------------------------------------------------------------  
COMMENT       Azimuth of the Moon                                               
COMMENT        The vector from the spacecraft to the center of the Moon         
COMMENT        is projected onto the plane normal to the boresight vector       
COMMENT        (i.e., the plane of the field of view (FOV)).                    
COMMENT        The azimuth of this projected vector is then computed as a       
COMMENT        positive or negative rotation angle about the DIRBE boresight.   
COMMENT        Azimuth is measured with respect to the fiducial vector          
COMMENT        defined by the cross product of the DIRBE spin axis and          
COMMENT        boresight vectors, and is positive if the rotation sense         
COMMENT        is the same as that of the spacecraft (i.e., azimuth =           
COMMENT        +90 deg. points toward the spin axis, following the              
COMMENT        right-hand sign convention).  The AtV_Azim field gives           
COMMENT        the relationship between the Attack Vector and the               
COMMENT        zero azimuth fiducial.                                           
COMMENT     Range = (-180, 180] degrees                                         
TTYPE29 = 'MoonAzim'           /  pipeline fieldname = Moon_re_BS (word 2)      
TUNIT29 = 'deg     '           /                                                
TFORM29 = '1I      '           /                                                
TSCAL29 =            0.0109867 /  bin size 360/(2**15 -1) degrees               
TZERO29 =           0.00549333 /  offset to bin center in degrees               
COMMENT   --------------------------------------------------------------------  
COMMENT       Angle between the vector from the spacecraft to the center        
COMMENT       of Jupiter and the DIRBE line of sight (boresight).               
COMMENT       Observations for which Jup2LOS .LE. 1.5 degrees are               
COMMENT       potentially contaminated by stray light from Jupiter.             
TTYPE30 = 'Jup2LOS '           /  pipeline fieldname = Jupiter_re_BS (word 1)   
TUNIT30 = 'deg     '           /                                                
TFORM30 = '1I      '           /                                                
TSCAL30 =            0.0109867 /  bin size 360/(2**15 -1) degrees               
TZERO30 =           0.00549333 /  offset to bin center in degrees               
COMMENT   --------------------------------------------------------------------  
COMMENT       Radiation Zone flag                                               
COMMENT        Flag indicates if the spacecraft was within the                  
COMMENT        South Atlantic Anomaly (SAA), North Van Allen Belt (NVAB)        
COMMENT        or South Van Allen Belt (SVAB) at the time of observation.       
COMMENT        Radiation zone boundaries for the mission were defined           
COMMENT        according to the number of radiation hits received as a          
COMMENT        function of COBE subsatellite position.  If the subsatellite     
COMMENT        position at the time of observation was contained within         
COMMENT        a zone's defined boundaries, then the flag for that zone         
COMMENT        is set.  Subsatellite position is updated every                  
COMMENT        32 seconds.                                                      
COMMENT        Observations occurring within the SAA                            
COMMENT        have already been eliminated; observations made within the       
COMMENT        NVAB and SVAB remain in the dataset.                             
COMMENT          Bit 0 (LSB) = 1 if in NVAB ; 0 if clear of NVAB                
COMMENT          Bit 1       = 1 if in SVAB ; 0 if clear of SVAB                
COMMENT          Bit 2       = 1 if in SAA  ; 0 if clear of SAA                 
COMMENT          Bits 3-7 Not Used                                              
TTYPE31 = 'RadZone '           /  pipeline fieldname = Radiation_cont           
TUNIT31 = '        '           /                                                
TFORM31 = '1B      '           /                                                
COMMENT   --------------------------------------------------------------------  
COMMENT       Excess Noise Flags (per detector)                                 
COMMENT        Flags indicating if exceptionally noisy data were recorded       
COMMENT        by any of the 16 detectors during the 32-second                  
COMMENT        long Major Frame that included this observation.                 
COMMENT        Detector observations for which the flag is set                  
COMMENT        are unreliable and should not be used.                           
COMMENT        The 16-bit field is encoded so that each bit represents one      
COMMENT        of the 16 detectors.  Bits are assigned in detector order:       
COMMENT        1A,1B,1C,2A,2B,2C,3A,3B,3C,4,5,6,7,8,9,10, where                 
COMMENT    Bit  0 (least significant bit) = 1 if Detector 1A excessively noisy  
COMMENT    ... up through                                                       
COMMENT    Bit 15 (most significant bit)  = 1 if Detector 10 excessively noisy  
TTYPE32 = 'XSNoise '           /  pipeline fieldname = Glitch_Flags             
TUNIT32 = '        '           /                                                
TFORM32 = '1I      '           /                                                
COMMENT   --------------------------------------------------------------------  
COMMENT       Orbit and Attitude Flags.                                         
COMMENT        Miscellaneous orbit and attitude                                 
COMMENT        information encoded into a single byte.  The individual          
COMMENT        bits are interpreted as follows, where Bit 0 is the              
COMMENT        least significant bit:                                           
COMMENT         Flags indicating attitude used                                  
COMMENT           Bit 0 = 1 if non-definitive attitude                          
COMMENT                 = 0 if definitive attitude used                         
COMMENT           Bit 1 = 1 if coarse attitude used                             
COMMENT                 = 0 if fine attitude used                               
COMMENT           Bit 2 = 1 if merged attitude used                             
COMMENT                 = 0 if external (UAX) attitude used                     
COMMENT         Flags describing attitude control                               
COMMENT           Bit 3 = 1 if spacecraft slewing                               
COMMENT                 = 0 otherwise                                           
COMMENT           Bit 4 = 1 during Special Pointing                             
COMMENT                 = 0 otherwise                                           
COMMENT         Node Flag                                                       
COMMENT           Bit 5 = 1 when spacecraft (NOT LOS) in ascending              
COMMENT                   portion of COBE orbit, i.e., moving                   
COMMENT                   up towards North Ecliptic Pole                        
COMMENT                 = 0 when spacecraft (NOT LOS) in descending             
COMMENT                   portion of COBE orbit, i.e., moving                   
COMMENT                   down towards South Ecliptic Pole                      
COMMENT         Leading/Trailing Flag                                           
COMMENT           Plane passing through Sun, Earth and ecliptic poles           
COMMENT           divides sky into two halves:                                  
COMMENT           Bit 6 = 1 when LOS is pointed to that half of sky             
COMMENT                   LEADING earth orbital motion                          
COMMENT                 = 0 when LOS is pointed to that half of sky             
COMMENT                   TRAILING earth orbital motion                         
COMMENT         Bit 7 Not Used                                                  
TTYPE33 = 'OA_Flags'           /  pipeline fieldname = ATT_Flags                
TUNIT33 = '        '           /                                                
TFORM33 = '1B      '           /                                                
COMMENT   --------------------------------------------------------------------  

A service of the HEASARC and of the Astrophysics Science Division at NASA/GSFC
Goddard Space Flight Center, National Aeronautics and Space Administration
HEASARC Director: Dr. Alan P. Smale
LAMBDA Director: Dr. Eric R. Switzer
NASA Official: Dr. Eric R. Switzer
Web Curator: Mr. Michael R. Greason