FITS Headers


Primary Header

SIMPLE  =                    T / file does conform to FITS standard             
BITPIX  =                   32 / number of bits per data pixel                  
NAXIS   =                    0 / number of data axes                            
EXTEND  =                    T / FITS dataset may contain extensions            
COMMENT   FITS (Flexible Image Transport System) format defined in Astronomy and
COMMENT   Astrophysics Supplement Series v44/p363, v44/p371, v73/p359, v73/p365.
COMMENT   Contact the NASA Science Office of Standards and Technology for the   
COMMENT   FITS Definition document #100 and other FITS information.             
DATE    = '11/08/97'           / FITS file creation date (dd/mm/yy)             
DATE-MAP= '04/04/96'           / Date of original file creation (dd/mm/yy)      
ORIGIN  = 'CDAC    '           / Cosmology Data Analysis Center                 
TELESCOP= 'COBE    '           / Cosmic Background Explorer satellite           
INSTRUME= 'DIRBE   '           / COBE instrument [DIRBE, DMR, FIRAS]            
OBJECT  = 'PALLAS  '           / part of sky given [e.g., ALL-SKY, WEEKLY-SKY,  
COMMENT                        /         DAILY-SKY, GAL-SLICE, FACE ...]        
EQUINOX =               2000.0 / equinox of coords in following tables          
COMMENT                        /  unless otherwise specified                    
REFERENC= 'COBE/DIRBE Explanatory Supplement,' /                                
REFERENC= 'ed. M.G. Hauser, T. Kelsall, D. Leisawitz, and J. Weiland,' /        
REFERENC= 'COBE Ref. Pub. No. 97-A (Greenbelt,MD: NASA/GSFC),' /                
REFERENC= 'available in electronic form from the NSSDC.' /                      
COMMENT     COBE specific keywords                                              
DATE-BEG= '11/12/89'           / date of initial data represented (dd/mm/yy)    
DATE-END= '21/09/90'           / date of final data represented   (dd/mm/yy)    
PIXRESOL=                    9 / Quad tree pixel resolution [6, 9]              
COMMENT     DIRBE specific keywords                                             
PRODUCT = 'SSOD_PALLAS'        / Solar System Objects Data for Pallas           
VERSION = 'Pass 3B '           / Version of Data Reduction Software             
WAVE1   = '1.25 microns'       /  nominal wavelength of Band 1                  
WAVE2   = '2.2  microns'       /  nominal wavelength of Band 2                  
WAVE3   = '3.5  microns'       /  nominal wavelength of Band 3                  
WAVE4   = '4.9  microns'       /  nominal wavelength of Band 4                  
WAVE5   = '12.  microns'       /  nominal wavelength of Band 5                  
WAVE6   = '25.  microns'       /  nominal wavelength of Band 6                  
WAVE7   = '60.  microns'       /  nominal wavelength of Band 7                  
WAVE8   = '100. microns'       /  nominal wavelength of Band 8                  
WAVE9   = '140. microns'       /  nominal wavelength of Band 9                  
WAVE10  = '240. microns'       /  nominal wavelength of Band 10                 
SOLELONG= 'ALL     '           / all available solar elongations included       
APPVEC  = 'SEPARATE'           / data having different approach vectors         
COMMENT                        / are not combined during processing             
ZLREMOV =                    F / zodiacal foreground removal indicator          
COMMENT                        / if 'T(rue)', a global zodi foreground model    
COMMENT                        / has been removed                               
COMMENT                        / if 'F(alse)', the global zodi foreground model 
COMMENT                        / has not been removed                           

Extension Header 2

XTENSION= 'BINTABLE'           / Extension type is Binary Table                 
BITPIX  =                    8 / Binary data                                    
NAXIS   =                    2 / Data are in a table                            
NAXIS1  =                  128 / Number of 8 bit bytes in each row              
NAXIS2  =                   61 / Number of rows                                 
PCOUNT  =                    0 / Number of bytes of data following table        
GCOUNT  =                    1 / Group count (always 1 for bintable extensions) 
TFIELDS =                   13 / Number of fields (columns) in the table        
TIMVERSN= 'OGIP/93-003'        / GSFC Office of Guest Investigator Programs     
COMMENT                        / (OGIP) memo in which the convention is         
COMMENT                        / described                                      
COMMENT         The times reported in this file are International               
COMMENT         Atomic Time (TAI) seconds elapsed since                         
COMMENT         00:00:00 UTC, 1 January 1981.  Time information is              
COMMENT         recorded in a manner consistent with the convention specified   
COMMENT         in OGIP/93-003 with the understanding that time is counted      
COMMENT         in atomic seconds and the origin of time (MJDREF) is quoted     
COMMENT         in ephemeris MJD.                                               
TIMESYS = '1981.00 '           / time system (same as IRAS)                     
MJDREFI =                44605 / Integer portion of ephemeris MJD               
COMMENT                        / corresponding to 0h UTC 1 Jan 1981             
MJDREFF =        0.00059240741 / Fractional portion of ephemeris MJD            
COMMENT                        / corresponding to 0h UTC 1 Jan 1981             
TIMEUNIT= 's       '           / unit for TSTART, TSTOP, TIMEZERO = seconds     
TSTART  =        282185275.611 / observation start time in TIMESYS system       
TSTOP   =        306753235.358 / observation stop time in TIMESYS system        
COMMENT   -------------------------------------------------------------------   
COMMENT   *******************************************************************   
COMMENT                   -- Solar System Objects Data --                       
COMMENT                   ----------- PALLAS ------------                       
COMMENT     The Solar System Object Dataset contains flux densities and         
COMMENT     other data pertaining to individual passages of solar system        
COMMENT     objects through the DIRBE field of view during the period of        
COMMENT     cryogenic operation from 11 Dec 1989 to 21 Sept 1990. This file     
COMMENT     contains data for Pallas. It contains one record per object         
COMMENT     passage, listed in order of time of observation.                    
COMMENT     For data from an object passage to be included in the dataset,      
COMMENT     the object's signal above background in the time-ordered data       
COMMENT     must exceed a source detection threshold for at least two           
COMMENT     detectors.  The threshold values are as follows:                    
COMMENT               Wavelength     Detector     Threshold                     
COMMENT                (microns)                  (Janskys)                     
COMMENT               ----------     --------     ---------                     
COMMENT                  1.25           1A           140                        
COMMENT                  2.2            2A           120                        
COMMENT                  3.5            3A            78                        
COMMENT                  4.9             4            96                        
COMMENT                  12              5           130                        
COMMENT                  25              6           270                        
COMMENT                  60              7           380                        
COMMENT                 100              8           590                        
COMMENT                 140              9         40000                        
COMMENT                 240             10         20000                        
COMMENT     For regions of the sky with minimal confusion noise, the            
COMMENT     thresholds correspond to signal-to-noise ratios of                  
COMMENT     about 20 for detectors 1A-4, 8 for detectors 5-7, and 10 for        
COMMENT     detectors 8-10.  Another criterion for inclusion in the dataset     
COMMENT     is that, at the time of the object's closest approach to the center 
COMMENT     of the field of view, its ephemeris position must lie within        
COMMENT     +-10 arcminutes of the DIRBE boresight position in the in-scan      
COMMENT     direction, and within +-18 arcminutes in the cross-scan direction.  
COMMENT     These criteria select against low-quality                           
COMMENT     photometric observations.  In addition, any passages for which      
COMMENT     the DIRBE boresight position is within 60 arcminutes of a DIRBE     
COMMENT     approved calibration object or another solar system object are      
COMMENT     excluded from the dataset.  However, no checking is performed       
COMMENT     for the presence of other objects that could potentially            
COMMENT     contaminate the photometry.                                         
COMMENT     Source photometry is calculated from the time-ordered data by       
COMMENT     (1) extracting a 15-point string of data centered on the object     
COMMENT     passage, (2) fitting a polynomial to the off-source portions of     
COMMENT     the data string to determine a background model, (3) selecting      
COMMENT     a beam profile response template (i.e, response as a function of    
COMMENT     in-scan position) matching the cross-scan position of the           
COMMENT     object passage, and (4) fitting the beam template's height and      
COMMENT     in-scan position to the on-source portion of the                    
COMMENT     background-subtracted data string (typically the 3 central data     
COMMENT     points).  The beam templates are derived from the normalized        
COMMENT     beam profile maps dataset (see DIRBE Explanatory Supplement).       
COMMENT     Source photometry was sometimes considered to be unreliable         
COMMENT     for a given detector because of large residuals about the           
COMMENT     background fit or beam template fit, or because the object          
COMMENT     passage was close to the cross-scan 'edge' of the beam profile      
COMMENT     where pointing error can result in a large uncertainty in the       
COMMENT     adopted beam template.  In such cases, a sentinel value of          
COMMENT     -16000. is listed for the fields Photomet and PhotErr for that      
COMMENT     detector.                                                           
COMMENT   *******************************************************************   
COMMENT   -------------------------------------------------------------------   
COMMENT   ===================================================================   
COMMENT   Coordinate Information:                                               
COMMENT   ===================================================================   
COMMENT   -------------------------------------------------------------------   
COMMENT       Time of central passage.                                          
COMMENT       Time of the object's closest approach to the center of            
COMMENT       the field of view, in International Atomic Time (TAI)             
COMMENT       seconds elapsed since 01-JAN-1981:00:00:00.000 UTC.               
TTYPE1  = 'Time    '           /  pipeline fieldname = Time                     
TUNIT1  = 's       '           /                                                
TFORM1  = '1D      '           /                                                
COMMENT   -------------------------------------------------------------------   
COMMENT       DIRBE Pixel number (resolution 9)                                 
COMMENT        DIRBE pixel number in which the object is                        
COMMENT        located at the time of central passage.                          
TTYPE2  = 'Pixel_No'           /  pipeline fieldname = PIXEL_NO                 
TUNIT2  = '        '           /                                                
TFORM2  = '1J      '           /                                                
COMMENT   -------------------------------------------------------------------   
COMMENT       Right Ascension of Object at the time of central                  
COMMENT         passage, epoch 1950                                             
COMMENT         range = [0, 24) hours                                           
TTYPE3  = 'RA1950  '           /  pipeline fieldname = ra_1950                  
TUNIT3  = 'hr      '           /                                                
TFORM3  = '1E      '           /                                                
COMMENT   -------------------------------------------------------------------   
COMMENT       Declination of Object at the time of central                      
COMMENT         passage, epoch 1950                                             
COMMENT         range = [-90, 90] degrees                                       
TTYPE4  = 'DEC1950 '           /  pipeline fieldname = dec_1950                 
TUNIT4  = 'deg     '           /                                                
TFORM4  = '1E      '           /                                                
COMMENT   -------------------------------------------------------------------   
COMMENT       Galactic Longitude of Object at the time of central               
COMMENT         passage                                                         
COMMENT         range = [0, 360) degrees                                        
TTYPE5  = 'GalLon  '           /  pipeline fieldname = gal_longitude            
TUNIT5  = 'deg     '           /                                                
TFORM5  = '1E      '           /                                                
COMMENT   -------------------------------------------------------------------   
COMMENT       Galactic Latitude of Object at the time of central                
COMMENT         passage                                                         
COMMENT         range = [-90, 90] degrees                                       
TTYPE6  = 'GalLat  '           /  pipeline fieldname = gal_latitude             
TUNIT6  = 'deg     '           /                                                
TFORM6  = '1E      '           /                                                
COMMENT   -------------------------------------------------------------------   
COMMENT       Ecliptic Longitude of Object at the time of central               
COMMENT         passage, epoch 2000                                             
COMMENT         range = [0, 360) degrees                                        
TTYPE7  = 'EclLon  '           /  pipeline fieldname = ecl_longitude            
TUNIT7  = 'deg     '           /                                                
TFORM7  = '1E      '           /                                                
COMMENT   -------------------------------------------------------------------   
COMMENT       Ecliptic Latitude of Object at the time of central                
COMMENT         passage, epoch 2000                                             
COMMENT         range = [-90, 90] degrees                                       
TTYPE8  = 'EclLat  '           /  pipeline fieldname = ecl_latitude             
TUNIT8  = 'deg     '           /                                                
TFORM8  = '1E      '           /                                                
COMMENT   -------------------------------------------------------------------   
COMMENT       Solar elongation of the object at the time of                     
COMMENT       central passage, i.e., angle between the vector                   
COMMENT       from the spacecraft to the center of the object and               
COMMENT       the vector from the spacecraft to the center of the Sun.          
COMMENT       Nominal range = [64, 124] degrees                                 
TTYPE9  = 'SolElong'           /  pipeline fieldname = elongation               
TUNIT9  = 'deg     '           /                                                
TFORM9  = '1E      '           /                                                
COMMENT   -------------------------------------------------------------------   
COMMENT       Geocentric distance of the object at the time of                  
COMMENT       central passage, in astronomical units.                           
TTYPE10 = 'Distance'           /  pipeline fieldname = distance                 
TUNIT10 = 'AU      '           /                                                
TFORM10 = '1E      '           /                                                
COMMENT   -------------------------------------------------------------------   
COMMENT       Heliocentric distance of the object at the time of                
COMMENT       central passage, in astronomical units.                           
TTYPE11 = 'HelioDist'          /  pipeline fieldname = heliodist                
TUNIT11 = 'AU      '           /                                                
TFORM11 = '1E      '           /                                                
COMMENT   -------------------------------------------------------------------   
COMMENT   ===================================================================   
COMMENT   Photometric Information:                                              
COMMENT   ===================================================================   
COMMENT   -------------------------------------------------------------------   
COMMENT       Source Photometry                                                 
COMMENT        Background-subtracted flux density of the object, F(nu),         
COMMENT        in units of Jy. Presented for the total intensity                
COMMENT        channels in increasing wavelength order from                     
COMMENT        1.25 to 240 microns.  Flux density is quoted                     
COMMENT        at the nominal wavelength for a source with assumed              
COMMENT        energy distribution nu*F(nu) = constant  -- i.e.,                
COMMENT        a color correction is required if the source                     
COMMENT        spectrum differs from the assumed distribution.                  
COMMENT        This field is set to -16000. for wavelengths                     
COMMENT        for which photometry is not provided.                            
TTYPE12 = 'Photomet'           /  pipeline fieldname = Photometry               
TUNIT12 = 'Jy      '           /                                                
TFORM12 = '10E     '           /                                                
TDIM12  = '(10)    '           /                                                
COMMENT   -------------------------------------------------------------------   
COMMENT       Photometric Error                                                 
COMMENT        Estimated error of the flux density quoted in the                
COMMENT        Photometry field, in Jy, listed in order of increasing           
COMMENT        wavelength.  Calculated as the quadrature sum of                 
COMMENT        (1) the rms deviation of the time-ordered data from              
COMMENT        the baseline and beam template fit, and (2) the error            
COMMENT        due to the uncertainty in beam template resulting                
COMMENT        from cross-scan pointing error.                                  
COMMENT        This field is set to -16000. for wavelengths                     
COMMENT        for which photometry is not provided.                            
TTYPE13 = 'PhotErr '           /  pipeline fieldname = photerr                  
TUNIT13 = 'Jy      '           /                                                
TFORM13 = '10E     '           /                                                
TDIM13  = '(10)    '           /                                                
COMMENT   -------------------------------------------------------------------   

A service of the HEASARC and of the Astrophysics Science Division at NASA/GSFC
Goddard Space Flight Center, National Aeronautics and Space Administration
HEASARC Director: Dr. Alan P. Smale
LAMBDA Director: Dr. Eric R. Switzer
NASA Official: Dr. Eric R. Switzer
Web Curator: Mr. Michael R. Greason