FITS Headers


Primary Header

SIMPLE  =                    T / file does conform to FITS standard             
BITPIX  =                   32 / number of bits per data pixel                  
NAXIS   =                    0 / number of data axes                            
EXTEND  =                    T / FITS dataset may contain extensions            
COMMENT    See "Definition of the Flexible Image Transport System (FITS),"      
COMMENT    NASA/Science Office of Standards and Technology document 100-1.1 for 
COMMENT    a full description of the data format. The document is available at  
COMMENT    the FITS Support Office web site:                                    
COMMENT    http://www.gsfc.nasa.gov/astro/fits/fits_home.html                   
DATE    = '28/12/98'           / FITS file creation date (dd/mm/yy)             
COMMENT            FITS optional reserved keywords:                             
ORIGIN  = 'CDAC    '           / Cosmology Data Analysis Center                 
TELESCOP= 'COBE    '           / Cosmic Background Explorer satellite           
INSTRUME= 'DMR     '           /  Differential Microwave Radiometers            
REFERENC= 'http://www.gsfc.nasa.gov/astro/cobe/cobe_home.html' /                
COMMENT      Other related references:                                          
COMMENT      'C.L.Bennett, et al., 1996, APJ, 464, L1.'                         
COMMENT      'A.Kogut, et al., 1996, APJ, 470, 653.'                            
COMMENT      'G.F.Smoot, et al., 1992, APJ, 396, L1.'                           
COMMENT      'C.L.Bennett, et al., 1992, APJ, 396, L7.'                         
COMMENT      'E.L.Wright, et al., 1992, APJ, 396, L13.'                         
COMMENT      'A.Kogut, et al., 1992, APJ, 401, 1.'                              
COMMENT      'C.L.Bennett, et al., 1992, APJ, 391, 466.'                        
COMMENT      'G.F.Smoot, et al., 1990, APJ, 360, 685.'                          
COMMENT      'M.A.Janssen and S.Gulkis, 1992, in "The Infrared and Submillimeter
COMMENT       Sky after COBE", eds. M.Signore and C.Dupraz (Dordrecht: Kluwer).'
COMMENT            COBE/DMR specific keywords                                   
VERSION = 'PASS 3  '           / Version of Data Reduction Software             
TEMPTYPE= 'ANTENNA '           / Scale used for temperature fields,             
COMMENT                         / one of 'ANTENNA ' or 'THERMO  '               
COMMENT      The thermodynamic and antenna temperature scales are related by    
COMMENT      a frequency-dependent factor corresponding to the deviation of the 
COMMENT      Rayleigh-Jeans law from the Planck function.  See DMR calibration  
COMMENT      paper (Bennett et.al., 1992, APJ, 391, 466) for details.           
FREQ1   =             3.15E+10 /  Frequency (Hz) at which Channel 31A data taken
FREQ2   =             3.15E+10 /  Frequency (Hz) at which Channel 31B data taken
FREQ3   =             5.30E+10 /  Frequency (Hz) at which Channel 53A data taken
FREQ4   =             5.30E+10 /  Frequency (Hz) at which Channel 53B data taken
FREQ5   =             9.00E+10 /  Frequency (Hz) at which Channel 90A data taken
FREQ6   =             9.00E+10 /  Frequency (Hz) at which Channel 90B data taken
COMMENT                         / Also used to define conversion from antenna   
COMMENT                         / to thermodynamic temperature                  
PLNK1   =             1.025724 /  Thermodynamic temperature (31A) =             
COMMENT                         /   PLNK1 * antenna temperature (31A)           
PLNK2   =             1.025724 /  Thermodynamic temperature (31B) =             
COMMENT                         /   PLNK2 * antenna temperature (31B)           
PLNK3   =             1.074197 /  Thermodynamic temperature (53A) =             
COMMENT                         /   PLNK3 * antenna temperature (53A)           
PLNK4   =             1.074197 /  Thermodynamic temperature (53B) =             
COMMENT                         /   PLNK4 * antenna temperature (53B)           
PLNK5   =             1.225941 /  Thermodynamic temperature (90A) =             
COMMENT                         /   PLNK5 * antenna temperature (90A)           
PLNK6   =             1.225941 /  Thermodynamic temperature (90B) =             
COMMENT                         /   PLNK6 * antenna temperature (90B)           
DATE-BEG= '04/08/90'           /  Data set start date                           
JSTART  = '90216000003000'     /  Start time YYDDDHHMMSSHHH                     
DATE-END= '23/08/90'           /  Data set stop date                            
JSTOP   = '90235235931000'     /  Stop time YYDDDHHMMSSHHH                      
COMMENT      DATE-BEG and DATE-END give the dates during which                  
COMMENT      the earliest and the latest data used in this product              
COMMENT      were obtained.                                                     
COMMENT      JSTART and JSTOP delimit in a form expected by COBE software       
COMMENT      the interval of time during which the data used                    
COMMENT      in this product were obtained.                                     
BASELINE= 'MEAN    '           /  Baseline used                                 
COR_MAGS=                    T /  If "T", magnetic susceptibility corrected     
COR_MEMO=                    T /  If "T", LIA memory corrected                  
COR_EART=                    F /  If "T", Earth limb corrected                  
COR_MOON=                    T /  If "T", Moon corrected                        
COR_MARS=                    T /  If "T", Mars corrected                        
COR_JUPI=                    T /  If "T", Jupiter corrected                     
COR_SATU=                    T /  If "T", Saturn corrected                      
VEL_SUN =                    T /  If "T", Sun velocity corrected                
VEL_EART=                    T /  If "T", Earth velocity corrected              
VEL_COBE=                    T /  If "T", satellite velocity corrected          
COMMENT      Additional data corrections were also made for eclipse periods.    
COMMENT      See A.Kogut, et al., 1996, APJ, 470, 653.                          
COMMENT      The following vector defines the dipole which has been removed     
COMMENT      from this dataset ("sun velocity correction").                     
COMMENT      To restore the dipole to the SIGNAL for each datum add the dot     
COMMENT      product of this vector with the pointing for the observation.      
COMMENT      The vector is in thermodynamic temperature in Ecliptic coordinates.
DIP_MAG =             3.356230 /  Magnitude in mK                               
COMMENT                         / of vector used to remove dipole               
DIP_ELON=             171.8793 /  Ecliptic longitude in degrees                 
COMMENT                         / of vector used to remove dipole               
DIP_ELAT=            -11.67802 /  Ecliptic latitude in degrees                  
COMMENT                         / of vector used to remove dipole               


XTENSION= 'BINTABLE'           / Extension type is Binary Table                 
BITPIX  =                    8 / Binary data                                    
NAXIS   =                    2 / Data are in a table                            
NAXIS1  =                   40 / Number of 8 bit bytes in each row              
NAXIS2  =              3456000 / Number of rows                                 
PCOUNT  =                    0 / Number of bytes of data following table        
GCOUNT  =                    1 / Group count (always 1 for bintable extensions) 
TFIELDS =                   10 / Number of fields (columns) in the table        
COMMENT            FITS optional reserved keywords:                             
EXTNAME = 'DMR_CIO '                                                            
COMMENT    -------------------------------------------------------------------  
COMMENT    *******************************************************************  
COMMENT                            ------NOTICE------                           
COMMENT           This data compilation is a convenient summary of the data used
COMMENT           in the publicly released 4-Year DMR Galactic frame sky maps.  
COMMENT           It should prove to be useful in testing new pixelization      
COMMENT           schemes or map generating algorithms which can then be        
COMMENT           DIRECTLY compared to the publicly available Galactic sky maps.
COMMENT           These maps are available from the NSSDC.                      
COMMENT           It does NOT contain the exhaustive flagging and ancilary      
COMMENT           spacecraft information found in the complete DMR              
COMMENT           Time-Ordered-Data set, also available as a data product       
COMMENT           from the NSSDC.                                               
COMMENT                            -------WARNING------                         
COMMENT           Note that slightly different time intervals were used for     
COMMENT           generation of the 31A and 31B Channel sky maps. The actual    
COMMENT           periods are summarized in sections 1.4.1 and 1.4.2 of the     
COMMENT           DMR Explanatory Supplements and should be retained to         
COMMENT           facilitate comparison of this product with the publicly       
COMMENT           released sky maps.                                            
COMMENT    -------------------------------------------------------------------  
COMMENT    *******************************************************************  
COMMENT           ---- DMR Calibrated Individual Observations ---               
COMMENT           Calibrated individual observations of the sky as              
COMMENT           measured by each of the 6 DMR detectors during the            
COMMENT           specified canonical month.                                    
COMMENT           Observations are Time-Ordered in 0.5 second increments        
COMMENT           between JSTART and JSTOP. No explicit time-stamp is           
COMMENT           provided for any given observation but can be constructed     
COMMENT           by the appropriate multiple 0.5 second increment from         
COMMENT           JSTART, which is assigned a value in the primary FITS header. 
COMMENT           For example, the data in row 1 of this table were obtained at 
COMMENT           JSTART, and the data in the ith row were obtained at time     
COMMENT           (i-1)*0.5 + JSTART.                                           
COMMENT           The temperature measurements have been calibrated and         
COMMENT           corrected for systematic errors as computed in the GALACTIC   
COMMENT           coordinate frame and described in detail in                   
COMMENT           A.Kogut, et al., 1996, APJ, 470, 653.                         
COMMENT    *******************************************************************  
COMMENT    -------------------------------------------------------------------- 
COMMENT    ==================================================================== 
COMMENT    DMR Sky Temperature Information:                                     
COMMENT    ==================================================================== 
COMMENT    -------------------------------------------------------------------- 
COMMENT        The following 6 columns tabulate the 0.5 second differential     
COMMENT        antenna temperature samples taken for each of the 6              
COMMENT        DMR detectors at the time of observation.                        
COMMENT        The radiometric measurements                                     
COMMENT        are given as antenna temperatures in mK.                         
COMMENT        Data which have been replaced by flagged (sentinel) values       
COMMENT        in processing have values .EQ. -16375.0                          
COMMENT        Antenna temperature for Channel 31A                              
TTYPE1  = 'SIGNAL_31A'         /                                                
TUNIT1  = 'mK        '         /                                                
TFORM1  = '1E        '         /                                                
COMMENT        Antenna temperature for Channel 31B                              
TTYPE2  = 'SIGNAL_31B'         /                                                
TUNIT2  = 'mK        '         /                                                
TFORM2  = '1E        '         /                                                
COMMENT        Antenna temperature for Channel 53A                              
TTYPE3  = 'SIGNAL_53A'         /                                                
TUNIT3  = 'mK        '         /                                                
TFORM3  = '1E        '         /                                                
COMMENT        Antenna temperature for Channel 53B                              
TTYPE4  = 'SIGNAL_53B'         /                                                
TUNIT4  = 'mK        '         /                                                
TFORM4  = '1E        '         /                                                
COMMENT        Antenna temperature for Channel 90A                              
TTYPE5  = 'SIGNAL_90A'         /                                                
TUNIT5  = 'mK        '         /                                                
TFORM5  = '1E        '         /                                                
COMMENT        Antenna temperature for Channel 90B                              
TTYPE6  = 'SIGNAL_90B'         /                                                
TUNIT6  = 'mK        '         /                                                
TFORM6  = '1E        '         /                                                
COMMENT    -------------------------------------------------------------------- 
COMMENT    ==================================================================== 
COMMENT    Spatial Coordinate Information:                                      
COMMENT    ==================================================================== 
COMMENT    -------------------------------------------------------------------- 
COMMENT        The following 4 columns tabulate the components                  
COMMENT        of the 4-component Attitude Quaternion vector                    
COMMENT        used to quantify the DMR pointing information.                   
COMMENT        Section of the COBE/DIRBE Explanatory Supplement,        
COMMENT        ed. M.G. Hauser, T. Kelsall, D. Leisawitz, and J. Weiland,       
COMMENT        COBE Ref. Pub. No. 97-A (Greenbelt,MD: NASA/GSFC),               
COMMENT        available in electronic form from the NSSDC, describes,          
COMMENT        for example, how quaternions can be converted to RA and DEC.     
COMMENT        The DIRBE Explanatory Supplement can be obtained from the COBE   
COMMENT        Home Page at http://www.gsfc.nasa.gov/astro/cobe/cobe_home.html  
COMMENT        A fortran subroutine DMR_QUATERNIONS_TO_ATTITUDE, available      
COMMENT        from the COBE Home Page, converts the vector into pointing       
COMMENT        information for the two horns of the requested DMR Channel       
COMMENT        (eg. 31A).                                                       
COMMENT        Component 1 of Quaternion vector: Q(i) i = 1                     
TTYPE7  = 'Q1        '                                                          
TUNIT7  = '          '                                                          
TFORM7  = '1E        '                                                          
COMMENT        Component 2 of Quaternion vector: Q(i) i = 2                     
TTYPE8  = 'Q2        '                                                          
TUNIT8  = '          '                                                          
TFORM8  = '1E        '                                                          
COMMENT        Component 3 of Quaternion vector: Q(i) i = 3                     
TTYPE9  = 'Q3        '                                                          
TUNIT9  = '          '                                                          
TFORM9  = '1E        '                                                          
COMMENT        Component 4 of Quaternion vector: Q(i) i = 4                     
TTYPE10 = 'Q4        '                                                          
TUNIT10 = '          '                                                          
TFORM10 = '1E        '                                                          
COMMENT    -------------------------------------------------------------------- 

A service of the HEASARC and of the Astrophysics Science Division at NASA/GSFC
Goddard Space Flight Center, National Aeronautics and Space Administration
HEASARC Director: Dr. Alan P. Smale
LAMBDA Director: Dr. Eric R. Switzer
NASA Official: Dr. Eric R. Switzer
Web Curator: Mr. Michael R. Greason