FITS Headers


Primary Header

SIMPLE  =                    T / file does conform to FITS standard             
BITPIX  =                    8 / number of bits per data pixel                  
NAXIS   =                    0 / number of data axes                            
EXTEND  =                    T / FITS dataset may contain extensions            
COMMENT   FITS (Flexible Image Transport System) format is defined in 'Astronomy
COMMENT   and Astrophysics', volume 376, page 359; bibcode: 2001A&A...376..359H 
DATE    = '2003-10-15'         / current date                                   
CROTA1  =              0.00000 / Rotation in degrees                            
EQUINOX =              2000.00 / Equinox of coordinates                         
SURVEY  = 'RHODES/HartRAO'                                                      
BUNIT   = 'K       '           / Brightness temperature in K                    
COMMENT Value for non observed pixels: -1.63750e+30                             
COMMENT Frequency - 2326 MHz                                                    
COMMENT Pixel Units - Kelvins                                                   
COMMENT Pixel Scale - 0.3515 degrees/pixel                                      
COMMENT Resolution - 20 arcmin                                                  
COMMENT Coordinate system - Equatorial                                          
COMMENT Projection - Rectangular                                                
COMMENT Reference - Jonas et al, 1998, MNRAS, 297, 977                          
HISTORY File modified by user 'platania' with fv  on 2003-10-28T10:00:44        


XTENSION= 'BINTABLE'           / binary table extension                         
BITPIX  =                    8 / 8-bit bytes                                    
NAXIS   =                    2 / 2-dimensional binary table                     
NAXIS1  =                 4096 / width of table in bytes                        
NAXIS2  =                  768 / number of rows in table                        
PCOUNT  =                    0 / size of special data area                      
GCOUNT  =                    1 / one data group (required keyword)              
TFIELDS =                    1 / number of fields in each row                   
TFORM1  = '1024E   '           / data format of field: 4-byte REAL              
EXTNAME = 'xtension'           / name of this binary table extension            
CROTA1  =              0.00000 / Rotation in degrees                            
EQUINOX =              2000.00 / Equinox of coordinates                         
SURVEY  = 'RHODES/HartRAO'                                                      
BUNIT   = 'K       '           / Brightness temperature in K                    
COMMENT Value for non observed pixels: -1.63750e+30                             
COMMENT Frequency - 2326 MHz                                                    
COMMENT Pixel Units - Kelvins                                                   
COMMENT Pixel Scale - 0.3515 degrees/pixel                                      
COMMENT Resolution - 20 arcmin                                                  
COMMENT Coordinate system - Equatorial                                          
COMMENT Projection - Rectangular                                                
COMMENT Reference - Jonas et al, 1998, MNRAS, 297, 977                          
COMMENT ----------------------------------------------------                    
COMMENT      ** Ecp2healpix **                                                  
COMMENT      Conversion from ECP to HEALPix pixelization                        
COMMENT      Reference - Internal Report IASF/BO-CNR 365/2003                   
COMMENT ----------------------------------------------------                    
NPHI_ECP=                 1024 / Resolution parameter of the ECP map            
NSIDE2  =                 4096 / intermediate NSIDE - Needed by conversion      
COMMENT ----------------------------------------------------                    
COMMENT       Sky Map Pixelisation Specific Keywords                            
COMMENT ----------------------------------------------------                    
PIXTYPE = 'HEALPIX '           / HEALPIX Pixelisation                           
ORDERING= 'ring    '           / Pixel ordering scheme, either RING or NESTED   
NSIDE   =                  256 / Resolution parameter for HEALPIX               
HISTORY File modified by user 'platania' with fv  on 2003-10-28T10:01:11        

A service of the HEASARC and of the Astrophysics Science Division at NASA/GSFC
Goddard Space Flight Center, National Aeronautics and Space Administration
HEASARC Director: Dr. Alan P. Smale
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Web Curator: Mr. Michael R. Greason