FITS Headers
Primary Header
SIMPLE = T / file does conform to FITS standard
BITPIX = 32 / number of bits per data pixel
NAXIS = 0 / number of data axes
EXTEND = T / FITS dataset may contain extensions
DATE = '2011-10-25T00:00:00' /file creation date (YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss UT)
TELESCOP= 'WMAP ' / Wilkinson Microwave Anisotropy Probe
OBJECT = 'ALL-SKY ' / Portion of sky given
COMMENT This file contains the differencing assembly dependent CMB and galaxy
COMMENT foreground model for the WMAP 7yr simulations. There are three
COMMENT components to the model:
COMMENT 1) The modeled CMB contribution to the sky provided in Stokes I and in
COMMENT Stokes Q and U polarization signals.
COMMENT 2) The Galaxy Stokes I model; a signal is provided for each of
COMMENT the four WMAP channels.
COMMENT 3) The Galaxy polarization model provided as Q and U signals.
COMMENT These models are in the form of HEALPix resolution 10 skymaps, smoothed
COMMENT to a beam response appropriate for the differencing assembly indicated
COMMENT by the DA keyword. Each of these three components is provided in a
COMMENT separate FITS binary table extension in this file.
REFERENC= 'WMAP Explanatory Supplement:'
RELEASE = 'DR4 ' / WMAP Release
VERSION = 'PASS 4 ' / Internal WMAP Version
DA = 'Ka1 ' / Differencing Assembly
FREQ = 'Ka-band ' / Frequency band
RESOLUTN= 10 / Resolution index
SKYCOORD= 'Galactic' / Coordinate system
PIXTYPE = 'HEALPIX ' / Pixel algorithm
ORDERING= 'NESTED ' / Ordering scheme
NSIDE = 1024 / Resolution parameter
NPIX = 12582912 / # of pixels
FIRSTPIX= 0 / First pixel (0 based)
LASTPIX = 12582911 / Last pixel (0 based)
XTENSION= 'BINTABLE' /binary table extension
BITPIX = 8 /8-bit bytes
NAXIS = 2 /2-dimensional binary table
NAXIS1 = 12 /width of table in bytes
NAXIS2 = 12582912 /number of rows in table
PCOUNT = 0 /size of special data area
GCOUNT = 1 /one data group (required keyword)
TFIELDS = 3 /number of fields in each row
COMMENT *** End of mandatory fields ***
COMMENT *** Column names ***
TTYPE1 = 'TEMPERATURE' /label for field 1
COMMENT *** Column formats ***
TFORM1 = 'E ' /data format of field: 4-byte REAL
TUNIT1 = 'mK, thermodynamic' /physical unit of field
TTYPE2 = 'Q_POLARIZATION' /label for field 2
TFORM2 = 'E ' /data format of field: 4-byte REAL
TUNIT2 = 'mK, thermodynamic' /physical unit of field
TTYPE3 = 'U_POLARIZATION' /label for field 3
TFORM3 = 'E ' /data format of field: 4-byte REAL
TUNIT3 = 'mK, thermodynamic' /physical unit of field
EXTNAME = 'CMB_Model_Component' /Name of this binary table extension
DATE = '2011-10-25T00:00:00' /Table/MAP creation date
PIXTYPE = 'HEALPIX ' /Pixel algorithm
ORDERING= 'NESTED ' /Ordering scheme
NSIDE = 1024 /Resolution parameter
FIRSTPIX= 0 /First pixel (0 based)
LASTPIX = 12582912 /Last pixel (0 based)
COMMENT This extension contains the model CMB Intensity and Polarization (I,Q,U)
COMMENT realization for the WMAP 7yr simulations. The models are in the form
COMMENT of HEALPix resolution 10 skymaps. The model is computed from an
COMMENT assumed power spectrum and smoothed to a beam response appropriate for
COMMENT the differencing assembly indicated by the DA keyword.
REFERENC= 'WMAP Explanatory Supplement:' /
XTENSION= 'BINTABLE' /binary table extension
BITPIX = 8 /8-bit bytes
NAXIS = 2 /2-dimensional binary table
NAXIS1 = 16 /width of table in bytes
NAXIS2 = 12582912 /number of rows in table
PCOUNT = 0 /size of special data area
GCOUNT = 1 /one data group (required keyword)
TFIELDS = 4 /number of fields in each row
COMMENT *** End of mandatory fields ***
COMMENT *** Column names ***
TTYPE1 = 'CHAN_13 ' /label for field 1
COMMENT *** Column formats ***
TFORM1 = 'E ' /data format of field: 4-byte REAL
TUNIT1 = 'mK, thermodynamic' /physical unit of field
TTYPE2 = 'CHAN_14 ' /label for field 2
TFORM2 = 'E ' /data format of field: 4-byte REAL
TUNIT2 = 'mK, thermodynamic' /physical unit of field
TTYPE3 = 'CHAN_23 ' /label for field 3
TFORM3 = 'E ' /data format of field: 4-byte REAL
TUNIT3 = 'mK, thermodynamic' /physical unit of field
TTYPE4 = 'CHAN_24 ' /label for field 4
TFORM4 = 'E ' /data format of field: 4-byte REAL
TUNIT4 = 'mK, thermodynamic' /physical unit of field
EXTNAME = 'Galaxy_Temperature_Model_Component' /Name of this binary table extens
DATE = '2011-10-25T00:00:00' /Table/MAP creation date
PIXTYPE = 'HEALPIX ' /Pixel algorithm
ORDERING= 'NESTED ' /Ordering scheme
NSIDE = 1024 /Resolution parameter
FIRSTPIX= 0 /First pixel (0 based)
LASTPIX = 12582912 /Last pixel (0 based)
COMMENT This extension contains the Galaxy temperature model (Stokes I)
COMMENT used for the WMAP 7yr simulations. These models are in the form
COMMENT of HEALPix resolution 10 skymaps. Models are evaluated separately
COMMENT for each of four channels in the differencing assembly indicated by
COMMENT the DA keyword and smoothed to a beam response appropriate
COMMENT for the center frequncy of each channel.
REFERENC= 'WMAP Explanatory Supplement:' /
XTENSION= 'BINTABLE' /binary table extension
BITPIX = 8 /8-bit bytes
NAXIS = 2 /2-dimensional binary table
NAXIS1 = 8 /width of table in bytes
NAXIS2 = 12582912 /number of rows in table
PCOUNT = 0 /size of special data area
GCOUNT = 1 /one data group (required keyword)
TFIELDS = 2 /number of fields in each row
COMMENT *** End of mandatory fields ***
COMMENT *** Column names ***
TTYPE1 = 'Q_POLARIZATION' /label for field 1
COMMENT *** Column formats ***
TFORM1 = 'E ' /data format of field: 4-byte REAL
TUNIT1 = 'mK, thermodynamic' /physical unit of field
TTYPE2 = 'U_POLARIZATION' /label for field 2
TFORM2 = 'E ' /data format of field: 4-byte REAL
TUNIT2 = 'mK, thermodynamic' /physical unit of field
EXTNAME = 'Galaxy_Polarization_Model_Component' /Name of this binary table exten
DATE = '2011-10-25T00:00:00' /Table/MAP creation date
PIXTYPE = 'HEALPIX ' /Pixel algorithm
ORDERING= 'NESTED ' /Ordering scheme
NSIDE = 1024 /Resolution parameter
FIRSTPIX= 0 /First pixel (0 based)
LASTPIX = 12582912 /Last pixel (0 based)
COMMENT This extension contains the Galaxy polarization model (Stokes Q,U)
COMMENT used for the WMAP 7yr simulations. These models are in the form
COMMENT of HEALPix resolution 10 skymaps, smoothed to a beam response
COMMENT appropriate for the differencing assembly indicated by the DA keyword.
REFERENC= 'WMAP Explanatory Supplement:' /